Listen to 2020 Best Party Music: Popular, Upper, Serbian, Free!
Petrecerile fac parte din viata noastra, muzica este parte din noi. Hai la Chef! Ne place sa ne distram la maxim in 2019 si 2020 cu muzica preferata mai saltareata sau pur si simplu de ascultare fara sa fim nevoiti sa schimbam melodia de fiecare data. Mix-urile de radiouri pe care te invitam sa le ascultati fac asta pentru tine, ti-am pus la dispozitie o serie de radiouri de petrecere care te vor binedispune si vor alunga starea de tristete si plictiseala. Perfecte pentru petreceri de neuitat, sau seri plictisitoare, alese cu grija, mixeaza pentru tine hituri noi sau muzica romaneasca recunoscuta, ale marilor lautari si cantareti romani. Aplicatia contine peste 15 radiouri ce emit non stop muzica sufletelor voastre si este disponibila si pentru cei plecati din Romania in tari precum Spania Italia Anglia Germania si altele. In general timpul pana la conectarea cu radioul este de 10 secunde dar in anumite situatii poate dura si mai mult. Daca un post nu functioneaza, anuntati-ne prin sectiunea de email din meniu, iar pana cand noi v-om remedia problema, relaxativa ascultand celelalte posturi de radio FM. Nu ezita sa o descarci, e gratis... Impartaseste aplicatia si cu prietenii tai!Descarca si alte aplicatii marca Blu3AppsAuditie Placuta!!!Parties are part of our lives, music is part of us. You have the Chef! We like to have the most fun in 2019 and 2020 with our favorite music more bouncy or simply listening without having to change the song every time. The radio mixes that we invite you to listen to do this for you, we have provided you with a series of party radios that will bless you and drive away the sadness and boredom. Perfect for unforgettable parties, or boring evenings, carefully chosen, mix for you new hits or recognized Romanian music, of the great Romanian musicians and singers. The application contains over 15 radios that broadcast non-stop the music of your souls and is available for those who left Romania in countries such as Spain Italy England Germany and others. Generally the time until the connection with the radio is 10 seconds but in some situations it may take longer. If a station does not work, let us know through the email section of the menu, and until we solve the problem, relaxing listening to the other FM radio stations. Do not hesitate to download it, its free ... Share the application with your friends!Download other Blu3Apps applicationsPleasant Audition !!!Versiunea 1.4Update 2019-2020Cele mai bune posturi de petrecere si voie buna pentru toti ascultatorii!